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Against an unholy army of red-eyed aliens, one man will rise to save us all… right after he gets his exosuit back.
Jarek Slater was never a hero.
… Okay, rarely a hero.
… Fine, SOMETIMES a hero.
But never for free.
… Or, like, never when the dirty bastards didn’t kinda deserve it anyway.
Look, it’s complicated being a decent man in a world ravaged by raknoth invasion and lawless marauders. Or was complicated, at least. Right up until those red-eyed pricks had to go and steal his exosuit, too.
You don’t steal a man’s exosuit. You just don’t.
But when Jarek’s quest for vengeance runs him straight up against a raknoth stronghold and a mysterious blonde who throws grown men around like telekinetic frisbees, he soon learns there’s far worse than missing exosuits to worry about.
And if he and his fiery new friend don’t put a stop to it, they may just be looking at Apocalypse Number Two…
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