FREE on May 12, 2023
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This is truly happening, she thought, and I’m the sacrificial lamb.
But she didn’t belong here. She wasn’t one of them. She didn’t want to be a Maiden, a devil’s paramour.
Her parents kept secrets from her. But until Mel Morgan travels to Creek’s Hollow, those secrets stayed hidden away. Now, Mel discovers she comes from a long line of witches, and she’s been chosen to battle the evil that has invaded this tiny town and her life. As she uncovers shocking family secrets, Mel finds herself falling fast for the handsome sheriff and she forges friendships with a clairvoyant and a professor of the paranormal. But will Mel’s newly discovered witch powers be strong enough to defeat an evil relative and an even more sinister demon named Belial? She’s about to find out when all hell breaks loose.