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Old Fashioned Science Fiction
A thousand specially selected people leave a troubled Earth for a new start on a virgin world many years away. Their starship is state-of-the-art and entirely automatic; its passengers safely sleeping through the long journey. All possible scenarios have been taken into account except one. There is no way to predict sabotage.
Al Clark wakes to begin a new life, alone on a crippled starship with no memory of what transpired to place him there.
It is the beginning of a quest that will take him places he could not have imagined, manage feats he would not have thought possible, and teach him the true meaning of friendship.
What the readers are saying:
★★★★★ SciFi as it was meant to be – Jennifer Seidler
★★★★★ I have a new (to me) author to add to my favorites – Lesley Wood
★★★★★ SciFi at its best, intrigue, robots, action, mystery, and very witty. Loved it! – Montzalee Wittman
★★★★★ Good old fashioned SciFi – Cenvillager
★★★★★ Reminds me a little of the Sci-Fi of days gone by – jcat-top 500 reviewer
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